Country: Poland
Registered: March 7, 2017
Last post: November 21, 2017 at 9:21 AM
Posts: 7

"NYXL Academy" incoming :D

posted about 6 years ago

I love Bren's casting after seeing him at Contenders, but i fkin want ZP+Hex again!

posted about 6 years ago

You're calling ex-OwlySix pro players?

posted about 6 years ago

Don't tell me how to live my life!

posted about 7 years ago

You still haven't say what is your point.
To be pro in League of Legends you need completly other skillset than to be pro in Quake. They don't need that crazy 3D aim and movement and it's the greateat esport game nowadays. I'm not saying that LoL is easy mechanicaly but neither is Overwatch.
Your problem is that you believe that "skill" = 'fast trick movement from old school shooters', which is the only thing OW is missing skillwise (while adding tons of other requirements). The thing is you are wrong. Skill is much more and it's your fault you're so closed minded that you can't realize OW is not old school shooter and require from its players different set of skills. You can go to CSGO community and start to cry it's no-skill game because there are no rocket jumps. It would be the same to what you are doing here.

Anyway I don't see a point in discussing with you anymore because you don't even know what is your point. You seem to me to be just a grumpy guy who thinks that old things were better and anything new is meh because back then it was better.
It's Blizzard who tries to make their game big in esport. It's up to them if they make it right or fk it up. If you would prefer other game in its place (say a title) go talk with its developer to do the same.
You don't need to worry. Bad games won't become esport. Activision tried to make Call of Duty esport. Same EA with Fifa. Effect of their tries says it all. If OW will be bad it won't make it neither. Somehow I think it won't be the case because it's already considered as 4th esport game right after LoL, CSGO and DoTA2.

Btw. If Quake - according to you - was so much mechanically harder than OW is why ex-q3a pros are not T1 here. And why don't all of them pick up the most "skill" requiring heroes and some of them even play Lucio?

posted about 7 years ago

Godhand_, there is a reason OWL is launching at Q3 not right after game realise. And the reason is to get everything ready for that. In-game features like replays, spactator etc. included. No worries, they stated more than once that they are working on it.

Your problem is that you think that mechanical skills is everything worth watching. OW is not another Quake. It is mid way between Q3A and League of Legends. Stop looking at this game as it was just FPS. There are mechanical requiring heroes, like Tracer, Genji, Widow... where you can go as mechanicaly crazy as you only want. There is no limit. The fact that there is no movement acceleration and you can't strafe jump (which is not even hard) doen't make the game easier. There are also less mechanicly requiring heroes that however require other skills to have like extreme game sense, shoutcalling, strategic and leading skills. And I find it as really good because the game is a place for people with different skill sets. If you limit it only to people with extremly good mechanical skills game will lack in other fields. Now we can have someone who is still very good mechanicaly but extraoridiary in eg. macro game. Someone who can bring it to another level that no one mechanicaly gifted could ever do.

Anyway if you think the game is too easy..

  1. Play it
  2. Win everything
  3. ...
  4. Profit

Oh wait.. maybe it isn't after all.

And if you simply don't like it? Why bothering with it? Move along, find the game you like.

If you don't like the fact there is so much money being put into OW's esport, remember those are not your money. It's Blizzard and people/companies that decided to invest into it who took the risk.

And if that's still not this, I have no idea what your point was.

posted about 7 years ago

While I agree with you on some points GodHand_, like Roadhog's hook being retarded, 4t / 3t+sold meta being the most boring ever, bastion being op etc., your mistake is to take Overwatch as just a fps game and comparing it to oldschool shooters.
Overwatch is not just a fps. It's a mix of both fps and moba. Your disregard to moba games from your previous post is enough to realize that Overwatch is not really a game for you, to go full-time/pro or whatever. I was fan of competitive Quake myself back then and I agree it was an awesome esport but again it was a solo game. There was nothing apart from individual mechanics and map skills to decide who's better. While Overwatch is not even close to be as challenging mechanicly, its depth, just like in mobas, is in teamwork and strategy. Something that, taking your all examples, is not what you value much. You obviously are into superstar players who do incredible things on their own but you can't see what other people see in teamplay. It may be as simple as team based games are not for you and you should stick with duel based ones.

We can't help you if you don't like the game. It was never meant to be another Quake. However, while there are tons of things still to improve in Overwatch, there are people - like me - who enjoy esport at Overwatch. But I was fan not only of duel games like Q3, but also of many team based games - mobas included (League of Legends).
Esport in LoL has fanbase many times larger than Quake ever had. I know it's not the same time, but my point is that there is a lot of people who enjoy such type of games and will watch it.
Blizzard knows the issues with spectator mode and they are working on it to be ready for their OWL. They will promote this and I'm sure it will have huge viewership. I will be watching it (unless it's tanks/soldier boring shit again - then i'll pass). For you... I suggest you to wait for Quake Champions with hope they will not fk it up and we'll get a fast, mechanicaly challenging, duel based game after all that time again. I they make it right I will watch it too.

posted about 7 years ago