Former Montreal Rebellion tank player numlocked has joined the Toronto Defiant Toronto Defiant OWL Rank #15 Twilight Lee Joo-seok (이주석) flex support Heesu Jeong Hee-su (정희수) dps Finale dps MuZe Kim Young-hun (김영훈) tank Ch0r0ng support as a coach, according to Adam Adamou, co-founder of parent company OverActive Media.

The announcement was made in an interview on the CAOverwatch podcast. numlocked is currently coaching the tank line. “I think we’re seeing an impact and an improvement there right away,” said Adamou.

Adamou said he is a coach for the Defiant currently, but said that they're assessing numlocked's knowledge and coaching ability and he could have a role as an in-game leader.

numlocked previously was with the Rebellion for less than a month before the team was dropped by the Defiant in April due to cutting costs during the coronavirus pandemic. He is also a former tank player for the Los Angeles Valiant, playing only one match in the 2018 season.

This will be his first coaching role in his Overwatch career. Earlier this month, DPS Mangachu transitioned from DPS over to a coaching role, overseeing the DPS players.

The Defiant were eliminated in the Round of 12 in the North American May Melee, and are currently in 16th place in the regular season standings.