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Registered: July 1, 2017
Last post: January 31, 2020 at 11:38 AM
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Let's be real here, it was always going to be an NA focused league and I have no issues with that but having 4 Chinese teams and only 1 Korean and 2 European is scandalous, it's a kick in the teeth for EU and KR who are being shit on because the regions they come from don't seem to have people willing to pump millions into a slot, this league is essentially about who has the biggest wallet and less so about who deserves it more or will bring more to the table.

China couldn't bag a win in the entire first season so the solution is to add 3 more Chinese teams, I mean what the actual fuck. Korea deserve more spots by far but whatever.

OW isn't even that big in China is it? I mean I saw a Chinese guy posting about the rumours and saying OW is basically behind another 4 games in terms of popularity, is the Chinese OW scene that big then or is this just a massive gamble to help it get bigger?

The travelling was always going to be a massive issue and the main reason I was always expecting OWL to fail, there's a reason it's never been done before and there's a reason every single sport in every single country hasn't done the same, it's an absolute clusterfuck waiting to happen having people bouncing from NA to China to play some OW and then what, to Paris and maybe to Melbourne in the future? interesting to see how this will pan out.

posted about 5 years ago

Not surprised but at the same time not looking good for Europeans, a lot of good European players getting dropped and no sign of a new EU slot for OWL, the future looks Asian.

posted about 5 years ago

I'll be honest my knowledge of OWL is nill but find it hard to believe a flex from the worst team in the league without a single match win is the best option for an all-star team, surely there had to be far better flex's out there? or was it more gender related....

posted about 5 years ago

I'll be shocked if there isn't another Korean city considering there are two Chinese ones now and surely they need to add at least one more European team even if it's most likely going to be full of Koreans it doesn't matter.

I've always felt Germany was the main hub for e-sports in Europe even if they didn't always produce the quality that Scandinavia did etc so Berlin would be fitting, not sure the OWL would really consider a city in Sweden to be big enough for what they are trying to achieve but who knows, they deserve one.

posted about 5 years ago

You should've just made it "who let the dogs out?" and made everyone click the article to know it was the Bazooka Puppiez, need to throw in some clickbait now and again :P

posted about 5 years ago

I genuinely hope they can put together a team of the best NA players possible, they can't possibly do any worse than Shanghai can they and why wouldn't Americans love the fact they can cheer on a complete American OWL side?

Obviously it won't happen because of money but still, would be cool.

posted about 5 years ago

The money is in America but it only gets brought in from the Asians and Europeans, if you made an OWL league consisting entirely of NA teams and players then did the same for EU and Asia I'm 100% certain the two latter leagues would be much better and more popular. My point is, know where the money comes from but don't shit on the people that bring that money in, that's to Blizzard.

That makes sense trying to follow NFL if that's what they are trying to do but it's not, Blizzard are trying to make a worldwide NFL which is always the main thing I've never seen working, imagine travelling from London to Australia or from Australia to the farthest place in NA for one match?

If they just made it like an NFL where it exclusively happened in NA but with worldwide brands and players then sure it will work but all this travelling will fuck these players up.

posted about 5 years ago

Just what the league needed, but look on the bright side most of the players won't be American :P

I guess it's fair we get 1 European slot for every 10 NA/Asia slots eh.

posted about 5 years ago

As big as China is I think it's a bit of a disgrace to bring in another China team when the first went 0-40 for the first season when other countries deserve a spot more than that but maybe they have ambitions of going 0-80 next season with two teams.

posted about 5 years ago

4 of the best are already attached to OWL teams, isn't winz half playing Quake? nobody is saying there isn't enough quality but that's not how OWL works, do you honestly expect the Berlin spot if it ever happens to have any German players?

posted about 5 years ago

100% agree, problem is the best all France lineup is Eagles and I can't see them being able to compete with the OWL boys so unless they plan on bringing in the best French players currently in the OWL and mixing them with Eagles etc I can't see it happening, that will cost a lot of money to buy people like Soon, AKM and Unkoe etc but who knows, I hope it does happen though.

posted about 5 years ago

That's not how this league works, how many British folk do you see in London Spitfire? Americans playing for New York? I'll be surprised if there's any Chinese left on Shanghai after that shit show of a season and be surprised if the 2nd team is full of them as well.

posted about 5 years ago

Blizzard are a bit retarded when it comes to times, they have a European LAN final for the wow 3v3 arena season taking place in Poland this weekend and the starting time for both days is 18:00 CET, now I have no idea who the fuck starts a LAN so late but the matches will run into almost midnight local time which is crazy.

posted about 5 years ago

How many LAN events did he attend and choke at?

posted about 5 years ago

Isn't the entire point of this system to make it a collective effort of an entire nation of OW players not 1 player using 15 accounts? imagine you had an entire OWL roster doing that for their respective nations that's basically 168 fake players being counted towards the total isn't it? then if every OWL team did that you'd have thousands of fake players contributing to the nations SR.

If that sounds fine to you then fair enough but to me it's cheating.

posted about 5 years ago

To be brutally honest I don't think he's enjoyed OW since the very beginning unless him being kicked out of every team he's been in has nothing to do with that which I doubt, the guy was clearly talented yet mustv'e been toxic as fuck to the point nobody wanted to play with him but here he is blaming the game, guess it was the shields and shit that got him kicked from every team.

posted about 5 years ago

Exactly, cheating countries out of a WC spot is fine yet boosting Richards account to a higher rank is a crime in the community, gets you suspended and fined? fuck right off.

posted about 5 years ago

Hardest carry? isn't this straight up cheating? I mean I fail to see how this can be applauded yet account boosting is considered a crime.

posted about 5 years ago

I'm guessing he didn't block you because you hit the "sweet spot" but more because you're the type of social media cancer nobody can be arsed with but I'm sure getting blocked made you fully erect so keep doing it.

posted about 5 years ago

Click on the link to see a cute little hamster in the game and then scroll down to see people going crazy that it wasn't a black woman instead then realizing why I don't look at social media, fml.

I'll be honest, it's tempting me to fire OW up I mean, who doesn't want to go on a spree as a hamster?

posted about 5 years ago

Anyone who disagrees with the vast majority is a villain.

Do agree from a European perspective though, sure we can watch the vods later but that's not the same, I've watched a ton of football over my years yet never watched a replay of a football match, watching something live is completely different and it's not possible for us to do really, maybe one match if you're lucky but if you work early mornings and need sleep you're fucked.

posted about 5 years ago

Where's the success? I mean I've not watched it because I fell out of love for OW between the scene "dying" and the OWL league starting but success isn't measured by viewers especially when you are essentially tricking people into viewing the league, remember when CS:GO had betting and the viewership numbers went crazy then died a fair bit when betting was banned?

It's easy to say OWL is a success when it has say 80k views yet when you are giving people free shit for being there it's not a fair reflection, I'm not a Twitch streamer but if I made a big song and dance about me starting a new stream where I gave away a ton of free shit I'm pretty sure my stream would be a success, but then what happens when I stop? if these figures are hard figures without folk taking advantage of free shit then fair enough but come on, did you not watch the EA Fifa 18 competition that gave away free shit for FUT where the chat was literally 18 thousand people spamming the giveway command?

Has it been a success financially? I mean it's easy to put on a league and have good viewers yet considering OWL is the most expensive league in the history of e-sports has it been a success? have all these big billionaire fellas made money from the first season? have they been blown away watching the same teams play each other umpteen timesI very much doubt it, so where's the success?

Has the OWL been any more special than say the APEX seasons? was it a lot better to watch than any OWL LAN before it? don't be so naive to judge the success of a season after 1 season where it's common for shit to go downhill rather than improve a great deal, unless Blizzard can keep coming out with free stuff to get people into the stream I'll be shocked if those numbers don't drop.

APEX had everything you've listed yet how many millions did that cost? let's see the success it has when there's more teams and people are flying around the other end of the world to play a bo3 of overwatch then flying back the way they came, how many miles will teams have to fly from the US to AUS for a game of OW?

I never really questioned where OWL would be a success but more the way it all came about, when you pump that much money into something it's hard to see how it won't work to some extent but OW outside of OWL is struggling to stay alive, when they announce an extra 4 teams or so for season 2 do you honestly expect 48 players to step into these 4 teams and be able to compete with the rest of the top OWL teams?

The gap is massive, the gap in the OWL was massive for Mayhem and the Dragons yet it's going to be even bigger in season 2 because the strength and depth isn't there to make a league this big with this many players. How many of these Contender teams do you expect to roll into OWL and compete with the top dogs?

posted about 5 years ago

In CS he was semi-decent because he had Anders beside him, Anders was the calm voice with the knowledge and Semmler was the hype, problem is he started to think he had the knowledge so talked more and joked around more as well, his role was always to hype and that's it yet he wanted more and now he's a bit shit.

But he's better than ZP apparently so who knows.

posted about 5 years ago

I love how you get 4 downvotes for complaining about the casters, god I fucking love this site <3

Having listened to Semmler in CS for a few years I knew he was going to be annoying af in OW and based on everything I've read and the little bits I've listened to he's not changed one bit.

Let me give you some advice though, don't be bringing anything negative to this site the weak minded can't handle it :)

posted about 5 years ago

I'm assuming you're from NY, if you turned up for every single match throughout the entire season only to find out the final was being played 2700 miles away, you wouldn't be in the least bit pissed off? bullshit.

posted about 6 years ago

I like how you have such a hardon for me, do you actually want a dick pic?

The issue is, the LA boys and girls have turned up every match week and made it work yet the grand finals are then in NY which is around 40 hours away from LA, why not just let it all play out in LA and no I don't have an issue, I couldn't give a toss about anyone from NY, LA or Botswana yet you seem to find an issue in everything I post.

You are the definition of salt, grow the fuck up and keep on downvoting me kiddo. Also I'm slightly dissapointed you didn't reply to me shitting on you in the pick/ban thread, scared?

posted about 6 years ago

I wonder how all the LA boys and girls who turn up every match week to watch the entire season will feel about the grand finals being held on the other side of the country

posted about 6 years ago

Well I was trying to, answering a question as you do on a forum when he comes in with the bullshit then dishing out the insults, not much you can do when that happens is there? then again I wouldn't expect anything less from hence why I barely even post anymore but I guess my name just makes everyone nice and moist and they can't control themselves.

posted about 6 years ago

Just picked a random Dota 2 match from some Thailand minor and checked the vod, the very first pick/ban took 12 minutes, you absolute fucking spastic.

Are you the same retard that went ape shit when I made a joke about Geguri, the same guy who wishes Geguri and the boys good luck every Dragons match? honestly, do you want me to find more instances of bans taking twice as long as you suggest just to prove who is braindead even more here?

Start from 3:14 and count for 5 minutes and tell me if it's already began by then, then get fucked.

posted about 6 years ago

I'm just shocked how you would rather listen to Semmler over ZP but whatever tickles your pickle. I'm hardly going to argue how the OWL is trash when by the time the league started I lost all interest but I do check the results often and have a giggle over the penalties being dished out.

Personally, I'm glad I don't watch OW anymore because it would burn me out, the league started with not enough teams to have this long a season yet has been dragged on for an eternity and if most of the people involved ain't completely dead by the end of it and need a long rest I'll eat my hat, this league will be burning the shit out of every player and I wonder how long the break will be before the next season.

This league reminds me of F1 a bit in the sense it's not always the best players that get the gig yet the ones with connections, I'm pretty sure anyone can make half a dozen teams that deserve a spot more than Shanghai yet here we are, watching them get shat on every week but hey, at least we have a female to cheer on right? it's no longer good luck Dragons, it's good luck Geguri and the boys, as if it matters what sex the players are.

posted about 6 years ago

Even though I don't even follow it anymore to me this shouldn't happen, you come up against a team with a phenomenal tracer and you can just ban that hero because you can? Blizzard make a change that makes widomaker good for example but fuck it, everyone just bans it? then it gets nerfed and everyone just bans the next best hero?

Honestly, for me the pick/ban shit for any game is retarded, I tried watching games like Dota 2 then noticed that phase lasts far too long, people just need to play the game and not ban something they don't have the skills to stop.

posted about 6 years ago

No doubt the interest is there but nothing else is really, you'd have to hope a rich Brazilian would buy a spot then what, do you honestly think he's going to spend that much on the spot and sign 12 Brazilian players? there's probably a reason why pretty much any big e-sports with any remotely close big events don't really go to South America to host a LAN event.

People may believe what they want, but there are nations who have "earned" the right to compete before them, how many scandinavians have we had competing at the highest level of OW and even stilll are? they have earned more of a right, what has Germany done for e-sports over the history of it? a shit ton, they have earned more of a right, France do a fair bit for e-sports and have good players, Russia/Ukraine have done more than Brazil.

There's about 10 better options in every single aspect before Brazil should even get picked about and that's not including even more US cities, just because they have an active scene within themselves doesn't mean they have earned or even deserve shit, Brazil need to start contributing to e-sports a lot more before anyone can even say they earned a shot at the OWL because they are a million miles away.

posted about 6 years ago

Didn't say the UK done anything but they've still done a lot more than Brazil, when was the last time you heard about a big event in Brazil? when was the last time, other than SK in CS:GO, did you hear about Brazi doing well in any e-sport? in all the e-sports I've followed outside of CS I can't think of any impact Brazil has ever done, how many famous Brazilian e-sports brands can you name? the only one I can think of is mibr that was known back in 1.5 and 1.6 who are now dead I believe.

At least the UK has some big brands like fnatic and Dignitas, they also host various events like Gfinity and even Faceit and they are also hosting a CS:GO major later this year, I'm not saying Brazil shouldn't get a spot I'm just asking why almost everyone mentions Brazil, is it because of the beaches and women? because it definitely isn't anything related to e-sports.

posted about 6 years ago

To go through a few OWL seasons without a franchise in Germany would be criminal, not sure I agree with everyone mentioning Brazil as I'm not too familiar with anything good e-sports wise coming out of Brazil other than 1 good CS team but who knows.

You would think places like Denmark and Sweden would get a spot based on what they've done for e-sports over the years but fat chance of that happening, these cities will be picked based on finances alone not who deserves what, personally I'm not expecting to see too many if any more European cities added I get the feeling they want the OWL to be NA/Asia based.

posted about 6 years ago

Just curious, what was the result of the investigation? I mean the police would be involved since this is grooming and he could face prison for it or are we just assuming this person is a real girl and everything was true?

I will agree with the very immature though, I mean you can't disagree with the majority without being singled out and downvoted for having an opinion, sadly this forum doesn't know how to act mature.

I also think it's extremely immature of society in general to expect a 14 year old to be so fucking brain dead someone asks her for a nude pic and she doesn't have the brain capacity to say no, yet only after a few months and finding out she's not his only bit on the side then suddenly developers some brain power and realizes what she did was wrong.

Does anyone have actual proof this Lilly, who made a brand new twitter and twitch account to make contact with an OWL player based on pictures I've seen is actually a real girl who is indeed 14? how many people do you think have been tricked into sending a female money over the internet only to find out it was 45 year old Mohammad from Nigeria?

But hey, we don't need solid proof or even an official police statement, just a brand new twitter account to decide ones guilt, I'm not saying DK didn't do this nor do I give two fucks about the guy but the way we just believe something instantly before asking questions is incredible and worrying. I wonder how many people would believe me if I made a brand new account and say Donald Trump sent me a picture of his cock.

posted about 6 years ago

So she created an entire new persona, for what? he just randomly plucked her out on the OWL stream ahead of the other 140k people, did she have the golden ticket? why did she create a new name, was it LillylovesDKplsdmME? we act like a 14 year old is braindead and not allowed to make any decisions for herself yet in some states in USA (FL I believe) you can even work at 14, there are underage child marriages happening in the states and in 2 years she can buy herself a nice powerful car to drive around the streets, get herself a job and even apply for the army I believe? maybe even buy a gun, yet 2 years before ALL of that she's so fucking brainless she just has to do what someone asks her to?

This entire thing smells like a honey trap to me, look at the maturity in that statement "she" posted yet on her texts she comes across as someone with downsyndrome? plus the fact everything about her is a mystery and do people even know what she looks like, where she lives and all that shit? did she actually send nudes of herself and have they been confirmed as real?

Honestly, this entire thing smells like bullshit, sadly this is 2018 and thanks to social media we all have an opinion and like to play judge jury and executioner, but before we hang this guy from a tree upside down with his heart hanging out like most people want to do, let's wait for some fucking facts on the matter.

I can guarantee you one thing, this shit happens all the time and I could do the same, pretend to be a young female to trick someone to either ruin their lives or extort them, it does happen so don't automatically assume this "lilly" person is legit when there's not a single shred of evidence to suggest it is indeed a 14 year old girl.

Do you all remember a famous hacker who pretended for years he was a female until he got arrested and was a guy just pretending? it happens, don't be so naive. Bring on the downvotes, make me horny.

posted about 6 years ago

This is the OWL pal, everything is a thing, don't look at your opponent? fine, don't shake his hand? fine, don't say hello? fine.

It will be like that soon, to be fair in any sport it's human decency to shake your opponents hand win lose or draw there's no excuses for not doing it.

posted about 6 years ago

Isn't that the entire point of a forum though, to discuss shit? how many discussions would you see on any forum if you could only discuss something you had complete knowledge on? saying stuff like that is fucking retarded in all honesty and it's the type of shit you see when someone moans about football and one sperg comes in and says "but you don't play football at that level so you can't talk about it".

People will always make assumptions based on news, if you don't like that maybe stay away from anything discussion related or just copy and paste that into every single topic created on every single forum throughout the world. I honestly don't understand people like you that try and put a halt to discussions and debates like this I really don't.

Also extremely ironic coming from a guy who made assumptions regarding OWL without having a clue about the matter, I do love a bit of irony.

posted about 6 years ago

Chill out...
We have to recognize that we're subjected to outside perspectives on this. We, or at the very least I, have no idea what's going on internally with either team. It doesn't make any sense to judge the decision when you have no knowledge about why the decision was made in the first place.>

If we apply that logic to everything forums would die, the entire point of a forum is to discuss various subjects and the chances of us having 100% knowledge on them is as slim as wining the lottery so nobody should say shit unless they do so? do you have any idea how many people across the entire world discuss something whether it's on a game forum, reddit or even the news without having "knowledge" about why the decision was made? posting that shit is fucking dumb.

posted about 6 years ago

Please quote from my post what you believe has me upset and an issue of seeing women in the OWL because I'm well and truly baffled.

By the word "cry" I mean literally cry, there was a female who even posted about how she CRIED literally at the news, not crying as in salty whinging btw, not sure if you know the difference between the two or not.

How am I actively being a dickhead? and how is it positive btw, do you honestly think I give a toss whether or not there's females in the league? I don't care what sex anyone is all I care about is them being good and you posted the biggest pile of dog shit I've ever seen about a valentine and when I respond to that I'm being defensive? LMFAO.

I swear to god, the people on this site crack me up more and more each day.

I wonder what other nonsense you guys will come out with next, I mean I'm already hating on females because I don't have a valentine eh? hahahaha.

posted about 6 years ago

Kuro I have a question, why do you always talk so much shit? please explain to me how I am making a big deal of this by predicting the reaction of the female following if she doesn't play, honestly, for someone that posts as much as you do you don't half talk some utter bollocks at times.

Are you really naive enough to think people play because they deserve it and people get called up to OWL because they deserve it? you honestly naive enough to think Seagull deserved his OWL call up over a bunch of other better players? why is everyone on this site so naive and can never look at things from other perspectives.

If you bothered to read my post instead of doing what you usually do and make shit up you will see I never even talked about whether or not she WILL play but merely pointing out what I believe will happen if she DOESN'T play, two completely different things, so instead of talking out of your ass as you tend to do, please for the love of god read what you're replying to and for fuck sake, stop over exaggerating every single thing.

posted about 6 years ago

I'm just not naive like the majority of people here, did you see how many females actually responded to the tweet with such happiness? people even fucking CRIED because a female got picked up by the OWL so do you honestly not expect shit like this not to happen? wake up.

But do tell how that relates to me not having a valentine, or is this just another case of anything less than 100% positivity directed towards females resulting in that person hating women, right?

posted about 6 years ago

20 teams and this is the best they could do for the OWL? US had much less teams but better overall quality same goes for Europe, people act like MY are an absolutely amazing team but outside of matches against Chinese teams they won against 4 Koreans at Nexus Cup then lost the next 4 games they played against non-Chinese teams 3 months later, don't get me wrong I ain't saying they never played good and they definitely done well to beat the Koreans but people over-rated the fuck out of them for doing very little.

US teams have done far more than that and likewise Europeans, sure China has tons of players which explains why a) they are the worst team in OWL right now and b) they just recruited a few Koreans and NO Chinese players, make sense right.

Didn't a Chinese org just pick a full Korean roster for a spot in Chinese contenders, which again sums up the incredible array of quality and quantity China has to offer, right?

posted about 6 years ago

Guess it's safer to learn English in case they end up adding an American or European in the future who knows.

posted about 6 years ago

I'll remember this post in the future and come back if/when it happens :)

posted about 6 years ago

She's going to be one of the more popular players because every female that follows OW will support her to get more representation of females in the OWL which is apparently a big enough thing to cry on Twitter about, I'm just waiting for the shit storm that will begin if they go a few games without playing her and all the feminists start spewing out anti-female shit on Twitter and pressure the Dragons into playing her, watch this spot.

posted about 6 years ago

So Florida couldn't find enough Americans to represent them, same for New York and for London who couldn't find enough good Europeans to represent Europe yet there's a lot more options for Shanghai when it comes to China? was that sarcasm or something. Pretty fucking sure you could build better American and European teams before you could build a Chinese team as good.

posted about 6 years ago

Might be getting ahead of myself here but anyone else thinking they might be shifting towards a full Korean roster for the future? unless they plan on investing a good chunk of change and time/effort into getting all those players to learn a basic level of English before next season of OWL but it seems to me that if you have problems in OW the answer is always Korea so who knows.

Might end up getting these Koreans as the OWL team and have the Chinese boys play in Contenders to practice while they learn English.

posted about 6 years ago

Everyone bought a spot, I'm talking about what Pixelfish said;

I think you need to understand that there's no "bad" team. They're all high-caliber teams

Just because they are in the OWL doesn't mean they are high-caliber especially when everyone bought a spot, it's not like they earned it.

I guess it boils down to peoples definition of the word but to me a team that can't win a match are bad, the whole logic that there are not any "bad" teams is a bit dumb, you always get bad teams in any league in any sport so don't act like OWL is any different.

posted about 6 years ago

If you need heavy reinforcements to win how does that not make the current team bad? if the rosters got locked in they would most likely end the season with 0 wins, how is that not bad? if you actually NEED to make improvements to your squad that tells me it's bad, I mean just look at what the word means.definition of bad

of poor quality or a low standard.>

Not hating on them, just saying the fact they are in the OWL doesn't make them not bad, you get bad teams in every league so I don't agree with the logic that just being in the league makes them good especially when they bought the spot and didn't particularly earn it.

posted about 6 years ago
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