Toronto Defiant Toronto Defiant OWL Rank #15 Twilight Lee Joo-seok (이주석) flex support Heesu Jeong Hee-su (정희수) dps Finale dps MuZe Kim Young-hun (김영훈) tank Ch0r0ng support DPS Mangachu is transitioning into coaching as a player-coach for the Defiant. He is still on the Defiant's player roster despite the change. He said he has been working with the team's DPS players specifically.

Mangachu joined the Overwatch League last season when he was signed while the Defiant were transitioning into a mixed-nationality roster. He played in each of the team's final 11 matches last season.

While he remained with the Defiant over the offseason, he has not stepped into any matches for the team this season. He began the season as a two-way player and played for the Montreal Rebellion until the Defiant disbanded the team earlier this year. Mangachu has not played in an official match since his last match with the Rebellion in March.

He joins a coaching staff led by Lilbow as interim head coach. Beyond Lilbow and Mangachu, the team's coaching staff includes Barroi as strategic coach and Albless as assistant coach.

Mangachu has competed professionally in Overwatch since the game's beta. He has played for a number of different organizations and three different academy teams in his career.

The Defiant's next match is this weekend against the Valiant.