The British Hurricane British Hurricane Contenders EU Rank # Skairipa Robert Lupsa flex support Finnsi Finnbjörn Jónasson off tank Yiqids Victor Yiqids dps Hybrid Dominic Grove dps Helv Esteban Fernandez tank Admiral Oliver Vahar support have added former flex support player Unter as their new head coach.

Unter previously played in Contenders Australia as a flex support player. He won the Contenders Australia title in both seasons of Contenders 2019 with ORDER. He also represented Australia in the 2019 World Cup.

He played in the 2020 Contenders Seeding Tournament with Ground Zero. He and his teammates won the tournament after coming out of the losers' bracket.

Unter joins a coaching staff that includes Elbion and CommanderX. Elbion has been on the staff since August of 2018 and CommanderX has been with the team since November of 2019.

The British Hurricane are coming off a title of their own in the Contenders Europe Seeding Tournament. Their finish in that tournament guarantees they will compete in the first Contenders tournament of the season.

The British Hurricane British Hurricane Contenders EU Rank # Skairipa Robert Lupsa flex support Finnsi Finnbjörn Jónasson off tank Yiqids Victor Yiqids dps Hybrid Dominic Grove dps Helv Esteban Fernandez tank Admiral Oliver Vahar support 's roster is:

  • Daniel "Dannedd" Rosdahl (DPS)
  • William "SparkR" Andersson (DPS)
  • Mikkel "Molf1g" Djernes (Off-tank)
  • Daniel "Hadi" Bleinagel (Tank)
  • Riku "Ripa" Toivanen (Flex Support)
  • Joni "Jofi" Ilves (Support)

Their coaches are:

  • Max "Unter" Unterwurzacher (Head Coach)
  • Joshua "Elbion" Tuffs (Coach)
  • Xavier "CommanderX" Hardy (Coach)